Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"The Right Stuff"

How were the US and the USSR competing in the film "The Right Stuff"?
Both the countries were competing each others in different activities. At first, they showed how America was trying to break sound barrier. They kept this as a secret because they did not wanted Russia to know what was going on. Later when America found out that Russia launched the first rocket, America was mad.

Explain who was winning the competition.
The Russian were winning the competition because, there were 3 different activities. Russia was the first one to complete 2 activities than the American. They launched the first satellite and the rocket. America was behind only three weeks.

What scenes from the film will help you remember this Cold War event.
The part when people were selected for the astronaut mission, i was shocked and horrified. It took more than the will you had in your self. The experiment that was taken on the people were painful. You had to be strong, healthy and a college degree student. 7 people were able to complete this examination.

Monday, April 6, 2009

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

What were NATO and the Warsaw Pact?
NATO is an organization that includes countries in Europe and North America.
The Warsaw Pact was formed as communist military alliance to maintain power over Eastern Europe.

Who formed these alliances and why?
The major reason for the formation of NATO was that the countries involved wanted a mutual defense alliance so that if one of them were attacked all of the other countries in NATO would come to their aide.
Warsaw Pact was created Russia and later joined by Bulgaria, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Republice of Hungary, Republic of Poland, Republic of Romania, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Members of the Warsaw Pact pledged to defend each other if one or more of the members were attacked.