Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

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Marx had bad attitude towards the Industrial Revolution. He thought that since there are larger number on workers than the landlords. he quoted "workers of the world to unit." He formed an idea called Communism. He said that all the workers should be paid the same amount of wage. He wanted workers to control the government. He published a book, where there were quotes. People seemed to like his idea and they started to follow his path.
He did not liked it at all. He was against the Industrial Revolution. He did not like how the poor people were getting poor and the richer were getting richer. He also went against how the child were treated at the factories. He felt bad for all the people and children who were suffering from the Industrial Revolution.
He wanted to create something that would help the poor people have a better life and where the financial was distributed equally among all the people. He did not believed that all the people worked the same amount of work. People who work hard were poor and could support their family. But, people who just sat around telling others what to do, had many money and power on the people. Rich people owned houses and factories, having a luxuries life, but the poor people they barely have enough money to survive.

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