Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mountains of the Moon

As the Europeans explored Africa, they had to faced following hardship;
  1. The distance they had to cover to find out the location of the place where the Nile river started.
  2. They did not have enough people and weapons.
  3. They were attacked by the African Tribes.
The source of Nile River was named after a British Queen because, when the Europeans discoverd the source, they decided to name the source as "VICTORIA" as their queen was Victoria. Even though there are people living in that area, the source is still called Victoria.
As shown in the movie, Mountains Of The Moon, the Europeans were advanced in weapons while the Africans only had hand made tools. The Africans only had arrows while the Europeans had guns a cannons.
Taking over meant a lot to the Europeans because they could used the people as the slave and also get the goods that are located in Africa. Europeans very far better advanced than the Africans in many different ways.

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