Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

When i saw the movie "Night and Fog", i was shocked and terrified. The way all the Jewish people were treated was out of my imagination. How can you be so cold hearted like that?
Yes, i found the film as powerful as you did.
The way they punished the people and killed them without thinking about it was the same in the both movies. The Nazi's acted like they had so soul and heart. They were basically out of their mind when they killed all those people. I hope their dead souls hunts all the killer.
The documentary film illustrates the Holocaust more effectively. The thing in the movie are real and its not a made up thing.
All those dead bodies of the people mad be feel so numb.
The movie was the documentary film about the Nazi concentration camps.They showed real place, people, harsh action, bodies. The end of the film, they show a scenes where mass of dead bodies were being bulldozed into the grave.

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