Tuesday, May 5, 2009

African Independence

African Independence was a period when African colonies gained its independence from the European countries. During the mid 1950's the continent of Africa was being ruled by European countries, because the Europeans wanted the natural resources that were stored in Africa. Since Europe was weakened after WWII, it was easy for the Africans to gain Independence. After 20 years Africa was a whole different continent, because the colonies gained independence from the Europeans and went on to become independence countries. Controlling different colonies were to much to afford so basically, Europeans were planning to set Africa free.
All the educated people worked together and created a middle class and following the independence of many other nations. Africa had many leaders because there were so many provinces. These leaders were inspired by African-American leaders.They had Leopold Senghor, who leaded Sengal and later became president. Kwame Nkrumah became Ghana's first prime minister. Marcus Garvey was Jamaican born, but his goal was to lead Europeans out of Africa and have Africa ruled by Africans. Jomo Kenyatta led Kenya through a harsh independence. And many others. During the two major World Wars, the European countries weren't economically stabled enough to run a country hundreds of miles away.

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