Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

The Reign of terror was a violence event that took place fifteen months after the French Revolution. 16000 to 40000 people were killed during the reign of terror. Many famous and highly know people were executed under the blade. They were killed, (their head being chopped under the blade) in front of the people, to show that people who don't support them, they will have to face the same death. French nobles and clergy were not approving this new terror work, as they now had to work and did not received any goods from the peasants.

Maximilien Robespierre tried to erase everything that was related to the old monarchy. Churches were closed as it was one of the major resident which was like a load over the peasant shoulder. He was like a dictator ruler. He was the person who created The Reign of Terror. Government people were scared and tired of his idea of cutting off others head. They did not felt safe. They organized a conspiracy towards him and he was executed the same way, his head was cut off. Then the Reign of Terror was over.

The Reign of Terror was caused because the democracy was not granted to the people.They had to fight for it, and the Reign of Terror was one of the way to gain it. It took lots of death body and blood and have freedom. This execution was carried as they kept on cutting people heads. All the people were scared and was not strong enough to go against him. But, at last they all stand together and executed him!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The French Revolution

1. Many people were critical of
a) The nobility because they had all the control authority over peasants. They did not have to do any military based work. They did not had to pay many of the tax. They had a very luxurious life.
b) The king because they ruled the kingdom and everything in it. They took control the whole France.
c) The clergy because they had their own estate, where they had their own rule and regulation.

2. A french peasant have grumbled about maintaining the balance between the clergy and feudal lords. The peasants had to pay to both of them. They had so much to do to survive. They had a very little which was not sufficient for their own family and they had to pay double the amount to the clergy and feudal lords. They had so much to worry about. Day and night they had to work so they could earn enough to pay both of the estate. Even though the peasant was the largest population in the whole 3 estate, they were the one who had to pay the most.

3. French was divided into 3 groups. The first one is the clergy, the church people, the second one was nobility and the third one was the peasant. The two upper class had a very nice and rich life. They did not even had to pay any taxes. While the peasant had to pay most of the taxes. The cartoon was trying to say that, peasant have to go through many hard and cruel life, while the others enjoys from their taxes. They want to have a nice life for their own. They want to end this law.

4. The author of source B describe the lives of French peasants, by exploring what the peasant had to go through. They had to pay more than they earn from their daily life. They had a very little amount of sources to survive, and they had to pay the king from their earning. It was the triple amount from what they earn. This taxes and feudal dues where giving them a very hard time. They had to work hard every time, so that they don't have to own anything to the king or the tax collector.

5. Yes, all the sources explain why poor people in France resented rich. The rich people were enjoying their life through the income of peasants. They really did not had to do any hard work. They got their food and money from the peasants. The peasants could complain about it as they did not hold any powers towards the rich one. They even could not tell the king about it as he also got good and money from the peasants. They had to take care of the clergy, king and the nobles. There were to many load over their shoulder to worry about.

6. The peasants would be most influenced by his words. As they brought out the word "DEMOCRACY", the peasants wanted to choose their own government. No one want to get ruled by some one else. They want to have their own rights and have a good life. The governments should get their power from the people. If the new government is not doing a good job than they people could have some one else take over his or her position. The people makes the law and the regulations of the country.

7. I think this was banned because the peasant was inspired through his work and wanted to form a democracy country. They had enough of the nobles, clergy and the king. They did not wanted to get ruled by them. The peasants had to wake up every morning and work had. They worried so much because they had a short time to give all the amount to the king and the taxes collector. They knew they would have enough of everything they own. They must have fight for their rights, which made the 2 other estate mad. The 2 other state must have banned is because they want to rule the peasant and live from their earning. They did not wanted to work or worry about the money and food which they got free from the peasants.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

John Locke and "The Enlightment"

The "RIGHTS" that John is talking about are Life,Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. It is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. If the people feel like the president or the king are not doing the right job than they could take away their position and give it to someone who could take good care of the country. According to The Declaration Of Indepence, the government comes from the people within the community! When the people likes the person who is running the whole system, than they support him or her and gives them the power to do what they think is good.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

Helicentrism is the theory where the sun is the center of the Solar System. Theosophists mention that Earth is the one which revolves around the Sun. This information can be found in Vedic Sanskrit which is written in ancient India. Yajnavalkya said that Sun is much more bigger than the earth. The modern science disagree with the old Helicentrism as they discovered that the sun was not the center of the earth.

Geocentric is the theory where the earth is the center of the universe. The Greek philosopher believed that the sun, moon stars and other planets revolved around the earth. they believed in this theory as they saw the stars moving around the earth. Also the earth is a very solid and stable so it does not move.

Theory came that first came out of the scientific revolution was Geocentric Theory.The Catholic Church was putting him in the trial because he said the earth was not the central while the church believed that the earth was the center of the universe.

Galileo Galilei was accused for putting words in book that the earth was not the center of the earth. In 1610, he discovered the telescope which totally help him to support Copernican theory. He brought his idea to the public but he did had hard time at the beginning. People did not believed in his research but he kept on trying and felt that it was worth the try. He even published book which mention about the thing he discovered. At first they did not support him but later his book was published and sold very fast. But later his book publishing was stopped because they thought it might cause some serious damage. Later he was complained by the pope for going against their theory.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

People got their information from the Bible or ancient Greek and Romans to find out about the science. The Greek and Christianity believed that earth was the located at the center of the universe and the other planets revolved around it. Aristotle theory was that heavy object reached the land than the lighter object. His theory was believed by others for 1500 years. But,he discovered that all the object of different weight fall at the same speed and time. He proved Aristotle theory wrong and created a new theory.

One of the known scientist Isaac Newton proved Aristotle again wrong on his theory, when he said that one physical law governed the earth while the other one governed the universe. Newton said that there was a universal law of gr aviation which was distributed equally to earth and the universe.

People never had the right way to determine how to investigate the world better. there was a argument between Aristotle and the Greek philosopher that man and women had the same number of teeth without checking it out. we need a proof to prove weather something is wrong or right. we need to have a good observation.

The scientific method is done the following
  • consistent
  • observation
  • hypothesis
  • predictions
  • test
  • not consistent: modify hypothesis.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution V.S Creation

Darwin's theory of evolution explains that, all the living beings are created from the same ancestors. Everything is related to each others. One subject passes on their features to their offspring. Natural selection is one of the major reason for all this creation of living things. It helps protect the problems which are created on genetic mutation. His theory takes time but at last, the result would prove all his techniques and experiment.

They believe that the god created everything on this earth. It's a religious belief. The U.S government once restricted the public school to teach evolution. This idea are written in the Book of Genesis and Quran. Many known, popular, rich, high standard people argued that evolution is one of the basic reason how we are created. The history of creationism is all from the history of religion.

I believe in evolution because they have many reasons as compared to creation. They explains us more specific and shows us many details and data based on their subject. It also gives us proof through experiment and other laboratory draft. No one has ever seen god or could prove that there was a god. We just believe that once there was a god. But now there are technology which shows us that evolution is the creator of this earth and everything in it!

Thursday, September 4, 2008