Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

Helicentrism is the theory where the sun is the center of the Solar System. Theosophists mention that Earth is the one which revolves around the Sun. This information can be found in Vedic Sanskrit which is written in ancient India. Yajnavalkya said that Sun is much more bigger than the earth. The modern science disagree with the old Helicentrism as they discovered that the sun was not the center of the earth.

Geocentric is the theory where the earth is the center of the universe. The Greek philosopher believed that the sun, moon stars and other planets revolved around the earth. they believed in this theory as they saw the stars moving around the earth. Also the earth is a very solid and stable so it does not move.

Theory came that first came out of the scientific revolution was Geocentric Theory.The Catholic Church was putting him in the trial because he said the earth was not the central while the church believed that the earth was the center of the universe.

Galileo Galilei was accused for putting words in book that the earth was not the center of the earth. In 1610, he discovered the telescope which totally help him to support Copernican theory. He brought his idea to the public but he did had hard time at the beginning. People did not believed in his research but he kept on trying and felt that it was worth the try. He even published book which mention about the thing he discovered. At first they did not support him but later his book was published and sold very fast. But later his book publishing was stopped because they thought it might cause some serious damage. Later he was complained by the pope for going against their theory.

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