Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution V.S Creation

Darwin's theory of evolution explains that, all the living beings are created from the same ancestors. Everything is related to each others. One subject passes on their features to their offspring. Natural selection is one of the major reason for all this creation of living things. It helps protect the problems which are created on genetic mutation. His theory takes time but at last, the result would prove all his techniques and experiment.

They believe that the god created everything on this earth. It's a religious belief. The U.S government once restricted the public school to teach evolution. This idea are written in the Book of Genesis and Quran. Many known, popular, rich, high standard people argued that evolution is one of the basic reason how we are created. The history of creationism is all from the history of religion.

I believe in evolution because they have many reasons as compared to creation. They explains us more specific and shows us many details and data based on their subject. It also gives us proof through experiment and other laboratory draft. No one has ever seen god or could prove that there was a god. We just believe that once there was a god. But now there are technology which shows us that evolution is the creator of this earth and everything in it!

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