Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cause of World War I

The primary cause of World War I was the anger the leaders had towards other countries that was supported by the nationalism of the European nations. The three major cause are as follow;
1.Nationalism was one of the major reason which lead to the war. The 4 countries from Europe, which are France, Germany, Austria and Russia were nationalistic about their own country. This brought hatred against each others. The movie we watched, showed how nationalistic they were. The first introduction part was very strong. There were kids from each country, residing poem about their nation.
2. Militarism was other reason which caused the war. Each country were improving in their military system. They demanded more power for their country. Germany was the strongest country with the military. Each country took side of each others. British and France worked together while Germany and Austria worked with each others.
3. The assassination of Sarajevo was the breaking point of Europe. Due to the assassination, Germany promised total help and support to Austria-Hungary who was forced to declare war on Serbia.

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