Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi's real name was Mohandas K. Gandhi. He was called Mahatma (great soul). He was a lawyer who fought against the racial problems towards the Indians. When Gandhi was in South Africa, he purchased a 1st class ticket. But, he was told to move to the third class coach because he was Indian. Gandhi refused and he was kicked out at the next station. The massacre at Amritsar was the act which brought the independence soul from Gandhi. He told his follower not to use violence but civil disobedience. He told the Indians to stop buying goods from the British which would weaken the British government.
Gandhi weaved his own cloth and so did his followers. He took a step to stop the Salt Acts. During that time, Indians could only buy salt from the British. They also had to pay sales tax on the salt they brought. So, Gandhi and his followers marched on the sea cost. They were going to make their own salt. When his followers used any violence act, he would go for fasting until they stop it. He was a great leader. Gandhi wanted Muslims and Hindus to live in the same country, India. He was assassinated by an Indian who did not support the idea about Muslims and Hindus living together.
Indians Independence was not all about Gandhi. Since British was involved in the WWII, they lost many troops and had a huge financial problems. British could not take care about India. So anyway in the future, India was going to get their independence.

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